Pharmaceutical Injury Lawyers

In recent years, the number of pharmaceutical injury cases has increased dramatically, and most plaintiffs never receive compensation for their pain and suffering. However, many pharmaceutical companies have already made millions from people suffering from this type of injury. For these reasons, there is a need for drug liability attorneys to make sure that the defendant and the plaintiff are given equal justice.

When a company makes a decision to market a drug, it is legally bound to do so according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. The FDA requires that drugs be approved before they can be sold on the market. Although the FDA does regulate this process, it only applies to drugs used to treat illnesses. This means that when a doctor prescribes a new medication, it is the pharmaceutical company's responsibility to ensure that the drug complies with all of the FDA's standards.

Unfortunately, some drug manufacturers have actually been guilty of withholding critical information from the FDA. A case from a few years ago illustrates how important it is to have an adequate amount of information regarding the safety and effectiveness of a drug. On November 11, 2020, a jury found that a certain drug manufacturer had been negligent in its handling of an antibiotic called erythromycin. This case was especially significant because of the fact that a critical element in determining the safety and effectiveness of this drug was withheld from the FDA.

The company, which is named Novartis, had originally been responsible for the oversight of erythromycin, but in late 2020 the FDA had approved the drug for use as a treatment for pneumonia. According to the lawsuit, the company withheld critical data regarding the negative side effects of erythromycin and failed to warn the public about these risks. This case highlights the need for drug injury lawyers to seek out the information needed to file claims against these companies.

As we have seen, a pharmaceutical company is legally responsible for providing safe medications to the public. However, pharmaceutical companies are also legally obligated to provide complete and accurate information to the FDA in order for the drug to be approved.

This is why it is so important to contact a pharmaceutical company and ask for documents that contain all the information needed for the approval process. If you cannot find any of these documents online, contact an attorney who can find the documents and help you prepare your lawsuit. For more information on filing a claim for your medical injury, contact a professional lawyer today. You are sure to be pleasantly surprised by the results!


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